What's a pageant?
It's a long period of time. We must wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait an wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait for school to be over.
Brunch is breakfast plus lunch. But is there a dunch or linner? What is lunch and dinner combined?
I like the swings at the playground. I try to get the swing to go over the bar. It never works.
Jack o lantern, pumpkins, fall, Halloween, candy, sugar, too much sugar, sick, sugar crash, really tired.
I used to burn ants with a magnifying glass when I was little. I would put some crumbs out side and come back later to find a to of ants
Clue is a boardgame. You can choose to be a character like perfessor plum or col. Mustard and there are different rooms of a house on the board. There was a murder and you have to find out who did the murdering in what room and wi th what object before the other p,layers to win the game.
When we were driving a cross Nebraska we saw the national corn festival. We took a break from our long drive to enjoy some fresh corn.
What are the odds that the patriots beat the giants this weekend? I thinks it's probably around 1000 to 1.
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