i don't have a clue what to write or the patience. That is really what the issue is here, i don't have time, therefore i don't have patience, therefore i don't have any time to relax. I need to take a step back...give myself time to breathe, eat right, go to the a normal life. It's so hard to take advantage of time and let youself enjoy the moments you live.
I had an epiphany. One that it is entirely okay to do what you want to do even if it is different from the people around you. If you want to be independent but there is social pressure making it seem like it is only acceptable to be in a relationship, do it. Be yourself
artistry. not a good word, i am not much of an artist. Well, that's not true. I am not an artist in the sense of drawing. I am an artist in other ways. An artist is subjective. I am an artist of words, an artist of happiness and feeling.
take a chance. take a risk. that's what everyone would say....and i did it. and it failed and then i wish i never did. vulnurable, i am so vulnerable and don't know how to act. I put on a strong face but underneath it all i am weak. so weak. I thought i got stronger but all i did was learn to mask it well.
The nun looked down as the men walked past her. Did she really choose this lifestyle or was she merely a product of her environment?
Back to school time is near, but how relative is near? College is a month away but suddenly everyone is in "back to school" mode, frantically trying to get ready for the year ahead. Even stores are advertising back to school specials.
I thought i had it made. I thought that i could eat whatever i wanted to and still be thin. I was wrong. Today my mom told me that i look like i gained some weight. I weighed myself and i gained 7 pounds. I guess i don't have it made afterall..FML (Did i really just say that?)
Is it fair to call anyone a maid? In my opinion it is such a degrading word. Say that you have someone coming over to help you, not "my maid is coming over to do my laundry" I don't care how much money you have.
I know that i'm not supposed to think about the word before i write about it but i'm stuck. I strung some beads yesterday, he was so strung out..