
My name is Mango. I'm here to lure you to the islands with the sounds of the drums and the conscious-altering drinks with the small little umbrellas.
Intelligence or spice - it improves whatever it touches and makes the bland more flavorful. Add it to your speech, your thoughts, your attitude, your dreams, your every day whatever you do and it will improve it and make of it more than it was.
I asked for my wife's hand from her father. I can remember the moment and the day. It was an emotional wrestling match. Each man grappling for the hand of this woman. My emotions all in a tangled as I tangled with the man who was still her first love.
Explosion of color and light. Eyes widen and pupils dilate. Hands cover faces. Such is the reaction when someone does it with...flare.
Naked you come riding on horseback, your hair long and flowing and magically covering the places my eye is naturally drawn, too. In the midst of this sensual vision rhythmically trotting before my wide-eyed delight, I suddenly have a hankering for something dark and sweet.
I advance. Writing on. Working up the idea and the scene and the characters. Increasing the momentum. The scene and characters come alive and live on their own. Pressing ahead, I charge.
Looking, looking, looking. There must be a place in the universe stuff drifts to when you can't find it. Car keys, change, credit cards, driver's license, the stuff you need when you need it. But somehow I can always find a needle when it's lost...when I step on it.
I tremble at the thought. I turn away. Afraid to look. My palms sweating, I nervously try to go to my happy place inside. I fear that I'm a coward. I fear only that.
I breathe it in and it tickles my nose and mind and imagination. It takes me places where I remember that smell from past romances. It is a clue, a token, a transportation and transfiguration device.
They encapsulate my feels. Yellow, red, white...and, of course, that all important blue bill that makes me capable again. Pills enliven and encourage me. They invitamate me, inoculate me, protect and preserve me, mediate and medicate me.