I watched a youtube video recently which explained how the Boy Scouts of America has a rule that they don't allow atheists or homosexuals to be scouts; this is supposedly justified because they're a private company, but they actually get a shitload of money from the government. I'm glad Scouts Australia has no such rule.
lol fe... My friends and I often say "fe" to mean fair started as chatspeak and slowly trickled into ordinary conversation. Once, my best friend and I tried to make it a thing to say "iron" instead, because we are nerds, but naturally, it didnt really catch on. He lives in a different state now, and I miss him so much.
The Grapes thereof. I haven't read much Steinbeck at all, but I would like to. I intend to read "Of Mice and Men" in the near future. I'm trying to read 25 books by the end of the year, but I'm stuck on the second one (Northanger Abbey) because it kinda sucks.
"Charlie McDonnell has a mole on his face."
"Like Avogadro"
"Symol day on Neopets coincides with Avogadro's Day IRL"