If I had wings I wouldn't fly away. I might go for a joy ride, but I'd stay right here. With you. I you had wings, what would you do? Stay? Go? Just visit? I hope you'll stay, but sometimes I am not sure. Never have been, probably never will be.
I didn't think we get a ticket to that show, but we did. We got two. Two three-day passes. We were some of the few, the chosen few. We got to be a part of the Hampton run, and for this I will be forever grateful.
I don't need no stinking megaphone. I am loud enough as is. I don't consider myself loud, but I can project. 6 kids in the museum and they all could hear me when they needed to. I don't think any one of the 6 got anything out of the
She refused to bow before any one. And yet she found her self nearly begging to bow before this person. What was it? The eyes? The haughty stare? The perfectly formed physique -- no, it was probably the chain around her neck, pulling her downward.
Strange concept. Etiquette. It varies so much from place to place -- not even cultures, but home to home. Take bridal showers. Why bother? Do we really need such a thing in this