His screaming voice rattles the sleeping household with two severely hungover women and a teenage girl who hasn't seemed to get nearly enough sleep.
"Pancakes! Get up and let's get breakfast!"
I sigh in my pillow as this fifty year old man throws a temper tantrum like a child, disturbing the little sleep I received.
I go back to the days of sprinkler summers, snow ball fights in the winter, easter egg hunts in spring, and climbing the branches of the oak tree in the park. We would sit in the tree for hours, telling secrets. As I return, I see our initials carved into the tree with an infinity sign under it. What happened to our infinity friendship?
Willful was love when I was a teenager. I didn't meet your father until I was at least thirty, which was a problem to my friends. I needed to find love or else I was unexpected. Though, even though I was so anxious for teen love, I wish I had never met your father. Love simply isn't worth it anymore.
His brunette hair covered his enigmatic eyes like a hood, yet I did not mind. That little thing made me fall deeper in love with him each day. I admire him, faults in all. But, this sweet guy I have not known long. And my theory is that I shall never love someone if they don't love me back. Does he love me?
The blaze upon my home continued to spread. I could hear the screams of terror from my outside position. As I walk away from my land, the screams ring throughout my ears like a never ending string of memories that are constantly haunting me. For I have set fire to my family.
I was captured by his gorgeous warm eyes. By the way he strut down the hallway with amazing grace. His appearance too good to be true, just like his words. I would have done anything to be in the presence of the man I dreamed of marrying.
Beneath the brightly light stars that hung over head, I lied on top of the cool midnight grass. Slowly, my soul and spirit began to leave my body. I awaited the paradise I would soon see and I slowly drifted away from the only life I've ever known.
His cologne stained clothes still remained in the same positon they were left in. His ties, shoes, and pants all in the same drawers. He left me with an grieving heart as he went on to something bigger than our love combined. Now I am just left with the small piece of him.
As much as I want to be, I realize I am not. That my heart is no longer whole after the journey it has suffered through. That my body did not completely weather the storm. Pieces of my heart were left behind and all I want to do is be fixed.
We are mentally ranked on our every move. If we are beautiful enough to be seen with those who are. If our words meet the standards of those who surround us. With every move we make, we are judged on our character.
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