Calories are like dust. If you sit too still for too long eating cake, they begin to collect on you.
Calories are things you count. I've always had trouble with this as I never seem to see any, and anyway, I think I prefer sheep.
Round. Like circles. Or a paper round. Wouldn't it be fantastic if your paper round went in a circle and you delivered circular papers? A round paper round for round papers.
Feeling confident, I skipped downstairs. On the table was an ogre. Suddenly, I felt less confident, the ogre having chased away my bravery. However, I still had my strength, so I chased him away.
Rural is in the countrisede. Where there are more rules? Rural rules? The rules of being ruralish? Like raising sheep properly?
Stabbed sounds hard and soft all at once. It, at the base of it, doesn't sound quite as nasty as it means. Quite. I don't like words like that. That's giving a dog a bad name, that is.
Tyrants make one tyred with all their constant moaning and general grumpiness. That's what I think, anyway.
Lots of people are saying 2016 is a clean start, time to wash away all the 2015 that is left in the shrapnel. However, I am made of everything that has already happened to me, and I am going to build.
Clean can mean something deep, but it is also what happens when I wash my hands with soap. It's good to look at every angle of a word.
Morbid Thoughts
If we all collapsed now, dead,who would figure out why and solve the last mystery?
Who will do the last post-mortern?
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