When you and I were young, we would imagine entire kingdoms in a large field behind your house. The house was a large stone building, straight out of the 19th century English countryside. In the field, which once was the home to many cows, grew vast quantities of grass taller than our braided heads. One day as we were exploring, we came across a trampled clearing. Our colorful imaginations thought at once that it must have been the fairies who lived in the field and made the flowers grow. We travelled back across the weaving path we had created, and found your mother. She explained to us that the nest must have been created by deer as they rested for the night. "Deer are nomads," she explained, "The roam free, looking for food, and sleeping when the become too tired to continue". You and I decided that would be the life, but for now a nap would do. Tiredly we climbed the stairs and within minutes we were fast asleep, entangled together on your bed. While we slept we dreamt of deer and fields, and the things we would discover tomorrow.