Putting records on repeat. Mackerel always repeats on my Dad, apparently. I love the stuff! Repeats of Friends on E4 - coming to an end. I don't know why I watch them when I have the complete box set sitting on the shelf!
The thread of the story, the thread that's come loose in the toe of my grey tights... oops! Plaiting my hair, now I'm losing the thread... it's too early in the day!
Punishment to me nowadays is associated with the courts. When I was little, punishment meant the sacrifice of something cherished - a packet of penny sweets, perhaps. Though I was never that naughty to merit a punishment. Goody two-shoes!
I found an ammonite fossil last week whilst on a walk in the Cotswolds. It was just staring out of the mud at me!
Answers don't fill you up as much as you'd like them to. Usually they prompt more questions!
Bendy, springy and useful! Fantastic elastic, snap it and wrap it.
I don't particularly enjoy driving, though it's all I wanted to be able to do when I was little. Rain can be driving - you know, when it's raining so hard it's almost horizontal. I love sitting in shelter whilst it pours.
Bricks build houses, whether they be made from stone or from plastic, like Lego bricks.
This could be something which lights up a room or sprouts springtime daffodils out of the dark soil. It could be energy-saving or energy-wasting, you could add -ous onto the end and describe someone portly.