
I've been forgotten at many places before, never for more than a few minutes time. Other people are in worst situations than I have been in. You feel empty in side, as if you are unimportant to the world around you. It is unbelievably sad as you look at the scenery around you, where everyone else is smiling, all anything but alone.
I feel secure in your arms. I feel safe, and comfortable with you, all alone or in a crowd. Please never leave my side, but I know you won't so I won't worry. I love you and you l love me so of course I feel secure.
It is sandy here, along the beach. Everything is yellow and watery and dry and beautiful, and everyone is smiling. It could be dangerous, but we choose to believe that everything is fine on the beach of disaster and laughter.
it rushes down down up up all across the sea. we have an ocean everywhere, my sister and i, because we are mermaids, mercreatures, FISH. as we listen to the tide. the whispers drift us down to dreamland and beyond.