i'll trade you jobs. i really don't want to go to macy's right now. but gotta make the $$$$, moving out doesn't happen on its own.
i mean not if it's a sewer job tho, that's icky
i hate how my grandma is always hovering around me. like jesus christ, i'm 19, an adult. i can fucking do things on my own.
i'm sort of just waiting for her to die. it should be a national holiday when she does
why do we all exist? was it god? was it evolution? i wish i knew but it depends on beliefs.
my family's happens to be evolution. that's why i hide believing in god.
the ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah. the ants go marching two by two, hurrah. the ants go marching one by one the little one stops to suck his thumb. and they all go marching down, to the ground to get out of the rain.
i have nothing to offer you, except my beauty. see me as more?
okay fuck the word of the day. i'm pissed off because my boyfriend was supposed to be here at 7:15 (it's 10:00) now. FFFFUUUUUUUUUUU
no, you may not stand under my umbrella
i just want to sink to the bottom with you, oh i just want to sink to the bottom with you. the ocean is big and blue, i just want to sink to the bottom with you
lyrics are beautiful
and i'm sinking with you <3
i need to transport myself to work, i'm going to be late!
WOOOHOOO macy's .....nawt
i am a lock, still looking for my key. greek mythology says that humans were born with 4 arms and legs, and two heads, and they were split apart. They are to find eternity searching for their soulmates.
i will find you, key <3
i am on a higer level than you. i've never felt this beautiful, or awesome in my entire lifetime.
yes, you should be jealous you didn't bring me down :)
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