I saw stacks of books, piled so high I could barely see the top.
Stacks of books piled right to the ceiling!
I wanted to read every single one.
I wanted to see for myself what mysteries were contained in all those pages.
I wanted to go to amazing places... not by airplane, but rather any time I wanted, through the crisp white pages of a good book.
I couldn't wait to meet all the characters, and gain all the knowledge that could only be experienced through the wonderful stacks of books I found in front of me.
A walk in the woods. A biology lab.
A good book on a rainy day. An unfinished poem.
A leadership conference. A competition.
These are my playgrounds.
Pressed for time...
Right now, even as I write this,
I feel pressed for time.
To write something and post it online,
With only sixty seconds now... Sixty seconds to spare.
However, I am not always pressed and stressed.
Sometimes I just relax,
By doing simple tasks,
Such as pressing garlic for a lovely tomato sauce.
I’m too preoccupied to think about it, and too preoccupied to care.
There always seems to be something else in the way.
I wish I had time to contemplate life… or anything, really.
But I’m always too preoccupied.