show up and show out. throw the world all around, upside down. make it vomit relentless pain.
danishes sprinkle upon my face. Ramen-waisted, a life worth living. could it all be a chocolate covered cherry-plosion?
roll up in a ball and go. perilous moths eating the cloths, need a bright light to draw them to self destruct.
pixel, pixel, pixel.... i just drew a picture. MINIMUM EFFORT FOR MAXIMUM AWESOMENESS. what do you think about super mario brothers?
Jumble, stumble, dance around. Ignorant pies float above. Look below to see the wicked. Stay away or else become polluted. Freedom.
fly lil fly, whirl around, catch a sound, leave away, down the road. can you see the stop light? its red but wait a second and it will be green once again. watch out for windshields.
what to say, nothing. can you do the things you feel without not knowing truth? what is in a truth anyhow? one can only dream the facts of life because no one knows.