I was once tagged in a photo of a bench by my best friend. I wanted it; it was a beautiful thing surrounded by trees. I really like trees. As a child I worshiped them. I would ask them to let me climb them, of course they always said yes, but I always gave them the option of telling me no by dropping leaves right on my head. I suppose if I'd met an evil tree it would've fell on me.
The fire alarm goes off in my house every time we make eggs. You think it would learn the smell of eggs.
The controller to Atari is in my hands and I begin Adventure. I love the pink dragons, they seem so retro, oh wait it just killed me. I start again and go get the sword. Stabbing pixels I am a champion, I win the first level of Adventure. Then I try the 2nd level and decide I hate that rogueish bat so much I can't play.
This reminds me of the play "How I Learned to Drive". The uncle takes pictures of his niece in his darkroom of the basement. It disturbed me but was an amazing play. I want a darkroom, to fix my pictures of odd things like tree faces and beautiful soup stains.
I want to make tshirts with a screen printer and sell them out of my van. I feel that would be the best job in the world, ok maybe not. For me I think it would be, as long I was happy and didnt start selling drugs instead of tshirts but I wouldnt do that cause I'm more creative than that.