Crackling of the thunder vibrated around town. Looking up I saw a plain dark night sky. No lightning came so the storm must be pretty far off. Then suddenly, everything went black. The whole town without electricity.
Violet violins sing in my ear. Violet violins swinging in my ear. Violet violins swim in my ear. Why were the violins violet and why were they swimming? I must be high.
The megaphone shrieked. Hands over ears, noses mouths. Any orifice seemed to take in the noise. It was pure torture. The ancient professor was not accustomed to technology yet.
The etiquette class changed him. It did not help of course. He was as rude as ever. Worse than I could have previously imagined. He now knew how to mock manners on a whole new level.
The concept of the black plague plagued my mind. Darkness seeped in as if I myself were infected. My mouth did feel a bit dry. The feeling of endless thirst scared me.
The straw hat fell from the sky and landed on the timid girl's feet. She looked down only to see the golden strands of sun's hair evaporate.
The girl did not want to the the load of chores that seemed to mentally pile in her head. Not only did she not know how to do the laundry but she didn't know that laundry was considered a chore. As she watched her mother pour the clothes into the washer, there was always a distinct smile present on dear mum's face.
The cast protected his leg. I was surprised that a quiet-loving guy like himself would dare to get into the dangerous predicament that he found himself in.
The stem of the tree bent 90 degrees. I wondered why it did so, when suddenly-- another tree started to bend. It was in the middle of day time, so as a kid I figured it had something to do with the accumulating summer heat.
I assisted this man with his homework. Little did I know that he was working for some agency. His homework was not actual school homework. Not technically. It consisted of some delicacies that were not only foreign but seemed dangerous to a dull eye. How I could survive these next few minutes, I haven't the slightest idea.
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