I've got a flat tire. On top of that it just started to snow and the wind was blowing way too hard. I needed to go to school on time and all of this made me be late.. I think I'll kill myself right now.
I hate to obey people. It's just not what I do. It's my life, my mistakes. So fuck off. I ain't obeying anyone.
I studied your life, tried to make it better. I'll do anything to make you feel happy. Then I studied your soul, tried to make it better. And figured out you'll have to do everything yourself to make yourself feel happy.
I wish my heart was made of iron. So that it couldn't be torn apart.
The world is your playground. So play it! You just have to make sure you play it with your own rules.
It's time celebrate the fact that I'm still alive, that I made it through another day. It's time to realize that I did okay.
I'm so scared you'll trade me for her. She was your first true love. But what am I? Do you honestly love me, like you loved her? Do you cherish me as much as you cherished her? Please don't do this to me, don't leave me. Please don't trade me for her.
She offered you her life, she told you that she'd sacrifice everything for you. You took her offer, you took her life.
She's sitting behind her desk, not knowing what do do. Just sitting there, without a clue.
I'm sinking in my own misery. I just can't handle this on my own.. Why do people always drop me when I need them the most? I drowning..
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