Her salt and pepper hair fell over her face, dripping onto mine, tickling my nose with it's coarseness. She pressed down on me, hissing and screaming, clawing and my face. I couldn't break free of her mad strength.
His sweat, hot and salty, ran into his eyes, his mouth, burning him. His heart thundered deep down, threatening to betray him. His limbs shaking, he fought to continue, but now his knees are buckling, now he's coming to rest on the hard earth.
He stole up my emotions like a sponge, sealing it away and devoring it, leaving me dry and broken. Void of a heart, a soul, I fade away into darkness.
Slowly, slowly, he faded into the gray mist, his blue eyes going pale and white, his dark hair bleached of color. He vanished into the moist sky, leaving me with but a memory of him.