I need the strength to start eating again. Falling...I've been falling, spiraling, into the depths of starvation, loosing all my strength to pick myself up and carry on, slumping and trudging along with the weight of the world upon my back, watching silently, helplessly, as my tears drop to the ground. But I cannot think of anything else.
My aunt loves to make plans. Everyone she includes must abide to these plans, regardless of already existing plans, and if they should not abide, watch out for harsh lashes from her tongue. Floor plans spread out onto a desk shimmer like the blue ocean under desk lamps.
I trusted him with my love. I thought he would craddle it in his arms witht he care of a Mother. But he dropped it, willingly. And left me for another. I cannot trust him anymore. My heart lays splattered on the ground, leaking, bleeding, dead. He did this to me.