Walls are constraining. You build walls around yourself and people build walls around themselves and build walls around other people. what is the purpose behind this? emotional? security reasons? insecurity reasons? Invisible borders blocking assumptions that people constantly make up.
redrum! The universal taboo, the most expensive thing you can buy, assassination, passion, jealousy, business, the mob, the craziest conclusions to the most human realities.
systems of government, computer information systems, solar systems, weather systems, everything is wrapped up in nice bodies of systems, organized and sometimes out of control but part of our everyday lives, seen or unseen we are affected by them.
Babies are really ugly. To baby someone is even uglier. Do not talk to people or small people like they are puppies or babies. Treat them with respect. Baby talk drives me crazy. Baby animals are about the only exception to the above complaints.
Cool mane. Cool is the all encompassing pass code, the thing that transcends all languages and boundaries in heated situations, one of the most positively nebulous words in existence, transcending slang. This is cool
to speak is something that one must tread lightly on. Sometimes keeping one's mouth shut and only speaking when necessary is best. Other times speaking up is important to defend someone. To speak is the closest thing we have to communicating the insanity that swirls around in our brains.
a head is something that should always be fixed in place. ahead is something that you should strive for but we are always trying to catch up to. Being ahead is strange because it is not like this is a race, but it feels good to have that sensation of security. But bening ahead and prepared i think can deaden life, and maybe flying by the seat of your pants would be slightly better.
responsibility is something you have to realize benefits everyone. it is an act of selflessness when you get to the bottom of the issue. By the end it does not seem like something that you do for authorities or parents or teachers but something you do to benefit everyone in the end. i guess