Squawk. Colors. Are you really talking back to me? Creepy ass bird. Stay in your corner.
to hold together. they shall form a foundation upon which we shall build. the fortress that shall not be knocked down.
Walking into a dark room she felt the urge to turn around. There was something lurking in the blackness. She felt it's chill run through her. The angry spirits had led her into their trap.
Do not open. Do not pass go. Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.
Thou shalt not kill. Instructions. Life is filled with them. Follow the rules or go straight to Hell, jail or somewhere else miserable.
Make your own rules. Follow your own life.
To see your loved ones rolled away on a bed of white with four wheels knowing they may never hug you again. . .
Well, with a tilde at the top of the "n" it would be "to dream" in Spanish. So I will interpret it as such.
To dream is to live. Live your dreams. Never forget what you wished for as a child for this is still rooted deep within your soul.
Never give up on your dreams as they are hope and hope is what keeps humanity from annihilation.