BOOM. What is the depth of that violent smile on your face? I know that sarcastic spit dribbling at the corners of your mouth just want to devour my ego in whole. Why do you have to be so straightforward in your analyses of my life and behaviour? Why do I still run back to you even though every word feels like the sharpest daggers inspecting my intestines?
Boom! Check check! 1...2...3... The songs are blaring outside my window, and a man who believes he is demi-god is dancing under a huge tree. In the city, it is hard to find a day without the megaphone. And, for those like me who escape for silence, the sight of a broken megaphone brings melancholic home-sickness.
What does it mean to win? I was taught, or rather, brought up in a non-competitive background. No, my parents are competitive, but somehow even the idea of competition was rooted out from my mind. But, last week I participated in one. Why? I have my excuses. But, I am sitting back now questioning my larger personal politics.
"What do you mean? Really. You really mean that. How could you mean that? Don't you understand what you are saying? Hey. Stop talking gibberish. Stop it. STOP! It's hurting my ears. Shut up. I don't like what you mean. You are mean." she spat and cursed at his wobbly speech.
Lazy. Everything around me is blinking heavily. This night is silent sitting in the middle of a city. Expecting morning. I can hear the crows caw caw caw.