
She looked at the entree in front of her. She then looked up at the faces sitting at the table with her. She felt a pain in her stomach; almost empty. Why was she here? Who were these people? They knew nothing about her. They didn't understand the misery and pain she felt every day. They had no idea how many times she's wanted to scream out her frustrations. All they knew was the pretty face and the fake smile she put on every day. If they really knew, would they understand?
The thread of her dress got caught on the tree as she ran; how cliche. She ripped it free and continued to run. From what, you ask? Everything. The world. She was running from this, that, everything, and nothing. She just knew she needed to be free and to be free, she needed to run. Run as fast as she could. She needed to run and never look back.
I couldn't believe I was expecting. A small, tiny, fragile child was growing inside of me. I was responsible for another life; I could barely take care of myself. How could I possibly take care of something so small? I knew no matter what, though, that I would do everything possible to give it the best I could.
Maroon was the color that spilled onto the pavement. I heard nothing as the blood flowed down the dive in the street. What just happened? I couldn't believe it. I heard the smack, the thud, and then the scream. That blood curdling scream that would haunt my dreams forever.
The montage in his mind would play daily. Every mental picture he'd taken over her would fly by in his brain, consuming his every thought. He wanted to forget her; he desperately needed to, but with these pictures forever burned in his brain, he had no idea if he'd be able to.
He unleashed his wrath on the car. He hated that car. It was the reason his best friend and future wife was gone. Every time he looked at it's ugly brown hood, his mind flashed the pictures of her beautiful brown hair lying against it as her lifeless body hung off the fender. He hated the car. He would kill that car like it had killed her.
I was so tempted to jump. The way the gravel kicked off the edge every time I shifted my feet. I wanted so badly to just turn around, spread my arms, and fall. I'd give anything to feel and hear the wind whirling around me as I tumbled towards the ocean. I wanted to be swallowed by the water and have it wash away the world.
She would never be forgotten; not as long as I lived. Her wavy brown hair and the way her green eyes sparkled under the moonlight. I loved how her skin felt against mine; the feeling of her breath on my neck. Even if I tried, those memories would forever be ingrained in my head. I loved her. I would never forget her.