
beauty. everywhere. exist in peace. we want to make a name for ourselves but to make a name for ourselves, do we step ahead of others to get there? the beauty of our deep existence extends further than we'd ever be able to believe, therefore, we must make the most of it. always smile. always help. always be.
sticks and stones will break my bones and so do your words. they cut like knives as you hurl them at me, insensitive of how i am relating to you right at this moment. you know nothing and you are nothing and all i can think about is how you are everything. everything to me and you really shouldn't be at all. goodbye.
it means nothing but it means everything. i shouldn’t have waited for you to tell me i should have waited for you to show me. i wanted so many things from you but i was given nothing and so i expected nothing and every time i was disappointed. you are so beautiful and you are so ugly and you are so heartbreaking and you are a heartbreaker. i don’t really know what i was expecting from you. all i know is that i still love you and it gets easier every day. that is what i am expecting.