It was a ravenous day. It tore into me like a hungry lion tears open its prey.
She was savage, I swear. She ate right through my words me like a wild animal with every word she spoke. She had a grossly more organic understanding of the topic than I could ever dream to possess. Her words were so raw, they actually hurt.
Lately, it been hard for me to believe that any of my social obligations are worthwhile. I expend more energy trying to appease everyone than actually getting any enjoyment from any of these silly activities.
I have a real knack for rallying up my coworkers. I can get them to do just about anything. I'm not sure how I find myself in this position...
Her ideas jolted her as they bloomed into a sonorous, trumpet blast of energy, which were impossible to ignore. Like all good ideas arise, she knew that this explosion of thought was important and no one's digress could cause her to turn away from this new enlightenment she bore.
When the cathedral bell bloomed, she was overwhelmed with joy and a simple pleasure in the everyday miracles of life.
The polar bears are starving. We need to reverse our solar processes, before all the ice on the poles melts away, leaving our polar bears with nowhere to stay.
"Plaster faster!", she said. So, I mastered the plaster in an effort to avoid disaster.
The dot is the spot from the lot. I'm tired it. Shot!