Words, they twist them. turn, them twirl them, stand them on their heads, so that you can not figure out if they have answered your question or a different one. And they are far from honest, being articulate is no guarantee of integrity.
Affairs of the heart are never simple. Throw yourself in to deep and you risk having your heart broken, but stand too close to the edges and you will get no satisfaction for the intimacy you crave will not be there.
The hung listlessly from the ceiling, bedraggled and battered on the floor where people had walked over them. He had torn them down in a rage earlier in the day, how day she not turn up, how dare she do this to him?
I am not too keen on doing this again. This was yesterday's word and it seems a little boring having to do the same one again. Not even sure what to write or if what I have written so far makes any sense.
She heard the keening on the wind, yet another funeral. Soon the town would be decimated, so many had succumbed already to the great plague. She wondered how much longer she could survive alone in the woods, she was not keen on having contact with the towns' people.
The mayor straightened his back and took a step forward. There were parts of the job that he loathed, but he knew what he had let himself in for when he stood for election and he would go through with the even the most unpleasant tasks wit a smile on his face.
She stretched out on the golden straw, looking at the birds roosting on the roof, rolled over, lazily scratched an ear and then after a full body stretch and a loud contented purr curled up to sleep in the sunshine. The birds could wait.
The backspace key is a wonderful thing it allows me to wipe out mistakes in an instant.. If only there was such a thing in real life, I would use it constantly, there would be no regrets, no bad decisions my life would be perfect.