I have gotten sick of hearing terms like ADD, ADHD, and most forms of autism. They are all just excuses so that parents don't have to discipline their children. I can't say I blame them, seeing as how one cannot even spank her own child. The child won't be BEATEN, hippies, so calm down and learn to discipline your kids
They say the key to a relationship is communication. But, in my experience, alot of people "communicate" in different ways, and many times, that can be the biggest source of the problem in a relationship. I am bipolar, my husband has a mental "disorder" that makes him naturally argumentative, so most of the time, the key to our relationship is not so much communicating as it is deciding what isn't worth fighting about.
Secrets are proof of how little someone approves of themselves. To keep a secret of your actions shows how ashamed you are. Bear in mind, of course, that there is a difference between secrets and surprises.
The patriots lost the super bowl to the Giants last year. For the second time. Thank god for Manning, Bradshaw, Cruz, and Manningham.
When I waatch football, I take a shot every first down.
I'm stoked for footballs season
My liquor cabinet is not actually a liquor cabinet. It is a regular kitchen cabinet where I store my liquor. I've always wanted a real liquor cabinet, maybe made of mahogany or red oak. Or pine! That would certainly bring out the Colorado Rocky Mountain soul in me.
People used to call me Big Red. But I told them to STOP it! There's only one Big Red. America's number one cinnamon flavoured chewing gum. If you don't chew Big Red then *bleep* you. (To quote the great Ricky Bobby aka Will Ferrell from Talladega Nights)
The fuses burned slowly. Too slowly, if anybody had asked him. The anticipation grew as he watched his explosive creation come closer and closer to its real life and death. Funny how the true "life" of a bomb is also the "death" of it. He felt he could relate to the shrapnel waiting to happen on account of that fact.
A man from Missouri put the steering column in his Z-26 1991 Camaro in upside down. I have never heard of someone doing that before, nor of a man so desperately in need of the instructions. I guess he's officially lost his man card.
The shots rang out, at first hardly noticed, thought even to be a part of some stunt done by the movie theatre. When the smoke from the flying canister began to make his lungs burn, the horrifying truth dawned on him.