Her hands measured the sides of his arm. Two wrist lengths. It felt sturdy and solid, something nice to hold onto while she floated in and out of the world. Silly little thought, that maybe she could fly.
There simply is no other solution.
She would have to do it. Soon, or it would never work out. It had to happen as soon a possible, or it might as well not happen at all.
She was too simple. He to complicated.
She to skittish and he easy to avoid conflict.
They would never discuss it, this she knows.
Oh well, maybe there is hope for tomorrow.
The entrance of the house was an immaculate golden archway. It was beautiful beyond words. I stared in wonder, and walked through. The gates slammed shut behind me, and I was forever trapped in this beautiful world This beautiful place. Without escape.
She didn't want to bury her baby. It was just a bitter thought, burying something that hadn't even begun. It was the end of a life, that had yet to live. She bent down, kissed her child's forehead one last time, and they lowered the little casket into the ground. The mother bent down, and dropped the first clod of dirt.
"Good Bye."
I miss you by my side. You could be off to college or work or you could travel the world and I wouldn't know. I just want to see you face. I miss your laugh. I miss you holding me, and not letting go no matter how much I protest. I miss your voice. I miss you, friggin idiot. I miss you! I need my best friend. Where are you, darling?
The rain dripped and splashed, and I tossed my umbrella to the side. Taking her hand in mine, we dashed out into the streets. We spun in circles, singing to the beat of the thunder. She laughed, water streaming down her face like tears. Her eyes bright, her smile vibrant.
It was the biggest mass of fish I'd ever seen. They twisted and twirled in the hazy lights. They glowed blue and orange. They moved as one big animal, as the shark zipped and spun round. They were invincible. No one could swallow them.
She was happy. She was a vibrant light. So peachy she said. But I could see through her ruse. I could see the lack of light in those eyes. She was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Blending and confusing the world for us all. She wore a mask, the darkest and fairest mask possible.
Combine. C-O-M-B-I-N-E. Seven little letters, coming together. Singing and dancing, in harmony forever.