When we look upon eachother and see whats on the outside you never really think about what goes on inside of each and every person you see everyday. When we walk through the forest hand in hand with the man you love, swimming in the waters of hawaii, or even just walking to get your breakfast in the peak of dawn. Do you ever think about what keeps us going? No, not energy if thats what you were thinking, but do you ever think about your bones? I mean without them you would be a glob, a pancake, a puddle of intestines and a mixed up face. You know that little cage around your heart that protects it so the next time your heartbroken and feel like you will never be able to pick up the pieces again, that little cage protects it so it doesnt get to far away from its puzzle piece, and you know what thats made up of? Bones. So the next time you look at a person and just see their striking good looks, or their long beatiful hair that they are ashamed of, think about whats on the inside, look far enough, and you see bones.
The funniest things about birth is the minute you realize in 9 months or less you are going to recieve the best gift that mother nature can produce. You may not realize that you are soon to become the role model, the superhero, the one who kisses you goodnight and goodmorning, who brushes they're hair and, makes sure you brushed your teeth before and after bed, and wished her or him a good day on they're first day of kidergarden. This beatiful baby boy or girl might become the one and only person you may ever care about, and you would do anything for her or him to grow up and become the child you've always wanted it to be. Birth is a wonderful and beautful experiance, and when im old enough one day, I hope I can experiance the unforgettable event for myself.