The summer often gets boring. To amus my self i like to ride around town and blast hard core Swedish Yodeling music with my windows down. My fellow driver's reactions are all I need for amusement.
This website is very mean because the timer started before I was even looking at the page. i really on ly had like 30 secoonds to write this and thats why it suck major anus. Meany!
I'm expecting to have a good rest of the summer. I'm not expecting to have baby because I'm not a skank and I don't do it. Actually i sell t-shirts promoting abstinence to a bunch of hypocrits at my school. My school's teen pregnancy is disgraceful but thats ok because it can't get much worse so its bound to get better. Right? I hope so, I'm expecting to be a boss next basketball season because I'm getting my anus in shape hardcore right now.
I hate doing chores because I feel like it wastes my precious summer. I used to have to clean out the litterbox which sucked because my cat can drop some pretty big loads. Mom used to get mad at me becasue I would use my bare hands to pick up stray turds she left laying around the litterbox.