
i love to eat one whole pie! one whole day has gone by sience i last had some so now im sad
The laughter of my family was only in the background. I was concentrating on attaching the crumbly melting marshmallow to the cold chocolate and crumbly gram-cracker before it completely fell apart. Within a few seconds, the chocolate was melting and spilling over the edge of the gram-cracker. The marshmallow was trying to squeeze out of the sandwich that I made myself-no help from my father (who usually helped me because I didn't like the mess). As soon as I tuned into what my family was talking about, everything was spilling all over me.
She thought she was in charge. She criticized everyone's work. She bossed people around like she ruled us. She thought she was in charge.
But she wasn't.
I am just a coward. I can't talk to you. I can't be myself. I am just a coward.
..Once my cousin told me that she hates* jelly because in like kindergarden her friend sneezed some sort of snot that looked exactly like grape jelly.
"..I think she was dropped on her head." Jane whispered to me. We both smiled as we stared at her blond curls bouncing around as she jumped. She wasn't the smartest girl on the planet..
"No, she was thrown." I whispered back.
"And this is why listening is impor-" It didn't even take her two seconds to get sidetracked.
"CRAP I FORGOT MY HOMEWORK!" she screamed. She jumped up from her seat and ran to her backpack in the other room. I could never have a decent conversation with her.
The endless nights I stayed up, waiting for you to just send one text.
The endless nights I received nothing.
The endless nights I stayed up, waiting for you to just send one text.
The endless nights I received for nothing.
"Eek!" Irene screeched and bounced a few steps back. I laughed at her silly fear of spiders. Ever since she was a kid, if she saw a spider she would run a few miles away from the house.
"IT'S NOT FUNNY! THAT THING IS GOING TO EAT ME!" She screamed. Being sisters, I knew every fear Irene had and she knew mine. This thing is, I'm afraid of everything BUT spiders. Even still being 57 we still remembered all the little things about each other. That shows how good of sister's we were {;
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