She swept her emotions away like dirt under the rug. There was no process of disposal, just a scattering, a general push away. She couldn't stomach a dirty floor, nor could she take a heart so packed with feelings, so she swept.
I like keychains. They're kind of useless to me, seeing as I don't drive. I always find the perfect little junk-tourist keychains and then have absolutely nothing to do with them. Because keychains need keys. And we don't lock my house except at night, and we keep a spare key in the butter churner next to our door anyways.
I love to sit on tables. They're more comfortable than chairs, because you can just let your legs dangle without worrying. It seemed like I was going to write dance on tables. I'm not a stripper. I promise. I'm far too young for that. Although sometimes I think I wouldn't mind.