Icicle are cold they freeze your mouth so don't try and lick one or everyone you know will call you icicle face trust me its not fun being icicle face because you have to rip your tounge off eventually the first time I saw an icicle was in Spongebob
Alarmist someone who alarms stuff at least I'm pretty sure thats what it means it is a really weird word kinda like alarmer it's sounds like lama and a the first time I saw an alarmist was in Spongebob
Combination combine two things together to. Make a beter thing or 9 things together and make an awesome thing it's all about combining the first time I saw something combine was in Spongebob
Still I'm sitting still right now just typeing but my fingers aren't still they are moving very fast to type this the first time I saw something still was when Spongebob froze :(
Auto matic you dont have to do anything and tin does it for u all that u have to do is watch it lol this ipad is automatic wwwwwwwooooooooooppppppp automatic the first time I saw something automatic was in Spongebob
Stacks are cool they sit on the ground you can hit people with them you can see people with them in cars you can ride dinosaurs with them you can kill stacks I first saw a stack in Spongebob
Iron is a material is makes us rich we use iron to make things an iron is a tool to get creases out of clothes and also it is really hot, I first saw an iron in Spongebob which is weird
I celebrate things like birthdays and celebrating is fun you get to PARTTTTTTTAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!! but sometimes partying isn't that great because the next day you feel really tired and you can't do anything PARTAY!!!!!
Account you make accounts on websites all the time just like I made an account on one word and just how I made an account on gmail and just like I made an account on hotmail people make accounts on websites every minute
People trade with each other toys cards things they are ovf equal value in their opion trading things that no longer need for money trading get us tugs in exchange for some thing else
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