The word "darlings" reminds me of two things: my dog Coco, who is sweet as sweet can be; and adoring couples that I used to want to be when I was young. But the grass is always greener on the other side and nothing is ever really picture-perfect. Everything is an illusion in our minds. Our thoughts and ideas about a significant other are all just pictures we drew of them in our heads. Then we assume their characters to be just the way we envisioned our fairy tale partner to be like. But this illusion is at odds with reality. But what is reality? If two people so thoroughly believe in the illusion, and not only in the illusion itself but in the illusion that the OTHER person has, I adamantly believe that it CAN become a reality. But this happens rarely... Most of the time someone is always trying to tear down that thin piece of illusion keeping you sane.
Is the glass half full or half empty? I used to think it was half empty, but now I see it as being half full...despite my imminent break-up with a boyfriend, lover, and emotional mentor of almost 4 years.
Half. I like the word. I rings of fairness. Half is yours, half is mine. You take half, I take half...of mine and your love. Let's be fair. And cut it in half.
To be in the zone means to be in focus. But my focus seems to be different than most. I'm in a different zone most of the time. I'm dead to the present zone, so does that make me a zonebie?
This is the most commonly used verb, both in external verbalizations and in internalized thought. Everything in this world surrounds the word "want." I "want" this, I "want" that. Its hunger can never be satisfied and it is what causes the downfall of many people. To "want" is as dangerous an addiction as heroine.
wait. this word AGAIN? i already wrote about substances in my previous entry. one word - FAIL.
There's an "s" added to the word "substance." There many substanceS to abuse. Coke (both of the commercial kind and the street kind), heroine, alcohol, etc. You name it. But can you blame the people who abuse it? They're called "substances" for a reason... they give those who have a difficult time finding actual "substance" in their lives a way to have substance....something to hold onto and say, "This is why I am here. I do, therefore I am."