Ragged loins don't
ragged hands won't take hold
ragged minds can't
I am wallowing in the mud of my mind. Mind mud: thick mire of indecisive sludge.
I can not recall when you said goodbye and took a bow as I watched with weary eyes and troubled soul. I can't let go of you. I can not see with out you. I cannot bow alone.
Clash. The sound my art makes when I look at it. I clash with my world. You clash with me. The juxtaposition of the two of us is an awkward phenomenon.
The kite high up is a dismal sight when I look below the crashing waves this stream I flow goes no where like the kite endlessly aimlessly floating on, my words go, hoover and float on.
Meaning what? What is the meaning of this world and its lies. Meaning? Meaning meaning the meaning of wisdom is spelled out in the trees and the roots of the trees.
Wealth, the kind with riches such as rubies and gold, that type escapes me. But Wealth, the kind I want is wealth of wisdom. Wisdom of wealth.
I stand tall today as you crouch small. I stand united with myself as you run wild alone. I hope we stand together but I see I will stand with alone.