I lay on my bed, staring up at the white ceiling. This entire situation left me frustrated, and it was something I no longer wanted to deal with. Realizing that this was a waste of time, I hastily jumped off the bed, and pulled on my moccasins. My cat, Humphrey, looked over at me, with a puzzled expression on his face. "Sorry, Humphrey, I need to go take care of this."
I walked toward the fog, and was stopped by a large cast iron gate. I peered through the cold bars and wondered what lay beyond this gloomy unwelcoming threshold. I pushed it open, and a creaking sound cut through the night’s silence. Trudging forward slowly, I realized I was not alone. Right there before me, stood a man – perhaps only years older than myself – staring out into the abyss. Curious as to what he was gazing so intently at, I walked toward him slowly. However, my gentle steps were not discreet enough, he turned around and peered at me inquisitively. "Hello..." I nervously stammered.