Too many, not enough, they all seem to be about money. No rules for unborn babies, not rules for dogs or cats or poor animals. Only rules about who you owe to or how you should pay back.
Hey the comfort of one word, can be great. Just one word when you need it, can say it all.
I have a castle in my head, it is just what I want and where I want it, not in my head but in my imagination. The place is high near some type of forest with great look outs where I can see for miles.
It was mutual, the ending. They all decided that was how it should be, and then they ended it.
Dull echoes are in my mind. After bringing up, vomiting, children. The echoes are dulled by the repetition of them. They are all the same, grasping, selfish and self serving. I wish I could dull them out completely and forever.
You go ahead and see what you can see. This Scout will sit and wait for you. You tell me what is needed, I will wait. I will wait for you to let me know what is needed to be done, to be achieved and it will be on you.