Can't seem to decide whether it's a disgusting habit or a cool way to escape.
They say smoking doesn't look cool, but everyone knows it does.
I really have no idea what to type, as this word brings forth no thoughts or emotions. I could try to be cool and come up with some crazy metaphor about how life is a crane but that would be false of me. I suppose I will end it right here.
When you pass by.
I can't help but get butterflies
In the deepest pit of my stomach
I want you
To hold you and to be near you
My hand upon yours
My lips upon yours
Our bodies against each others.
To be together would be a marvelous thing.
But I know it's just pure lust.
When I see this word, so many things run through my mind. It's hard to even gather one fluid thought. It's a bit too much. It's kind of intense.
Millions or cells make up millions or things.
This doesn't even make sense.
I'm just a shit ton of cells.
It makes us who we are.
I don't know what I believe in.
I don't know who I am.
What is a person without any beliefs?
I believe in nothing.
Everything that seems to be true
Eventually becomes a lie.
I believe in being a decent human being.
And nothing else.