decorations masturbation is really fascinating. Though aggravating so impatient waiting for the decorations causing fatal menstruation and pandemonium.
There were too many stems on the plant when I broke it down.
The domestic dogs annoy the fuck out of me. Animals should not be held captive.
The video game console had me stuck. I walked by, dragging my mother excusing any other customers i accidentally bump into. I really wanted that console.
When I want to camp, I bring a lamp.
Some food that could be cooked
over wood sounds delicious.
But, vicious bears tend to scare
me away from these tasks.
I wondered what was on the other side if i lied through my mouth and saw through my eyes. Wondering the future will leave you blind but understanding the past will exalt the mind.
The mango smelled sweet. My mother, in her apron cooking dinner, always said to keep your head up. Under any disaster is a positive outcome. Because to this day, i still smell that mango.
The outlet was cluttered with people. Different kinds of people of all shapes and sizes. I tried to escape, but they kept pushing me back.
The alarm in my head goes off as if i had something important to do, or maybe i forgot to do something. But it doesn't matter, il continue to move without distractions. An alarm will only notify you but your goals will move you.
In the old, rusty garage looking for a wrench, I fell upon an old photo. It was me and my old friend. As happy as i thought i was, I couldn't be more happier than now. Things have changed for the better and i greatly approve.
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