
"Oh my God, don't move."
Jon froze where he was. Jay slowly lifted her phone from the table, inching toward him with the camera aimed just above his face.
"Um," Jon said finally.
"Got it!" Jay barked, making him jump. "There was a moth on your head, fella!" she explained then, holding her phone screen up to him. "See?"
"You do not seriously have silk pajamas."
"Should I. Should I not have those?"
"Oh my God you are a STEREOTYPE! You are a stereotypical rich boy."
"They're comfortable!"
"They're ostentatious!"
"Guess I know what I'm getting you for your birthday, then."
"You're just a child," Freeze scoffed. "What can you hope to achieve against me?"
"Honestly? All I was doing was stalling," Robin grinned. He watched the smile slide from the villain's face as Batman burst through the ceiling, taking him to the ground in one swift movement.
There's no denying the look in his eyes; there's no denying that longing.
"Astor, please," he whispers. "This is what I want. This is what I've wanted for so long now."
Never before had his line snapped.
"Oh, what the fuck," Nightwing sighed as the familiar tension gave way to stomach-flipping freefall, all because of a deft move and a sharp knife.
"I don't know why I'm even so important," the Girl pouted. She tightened her arms around herself. "I'm not even brave like you guys."
"Not brave? Who told you that?"
"I get scared when the Draculoids come," the Girl explained, turning her luminous eyes up into Party Poison's. "You guys never do. You're always ready, ghostin' 'em with your ray guns and stuff."
"Well, I don't know about the other guys," Poison said, "but /I/ get scared when the Draculoids come."
"Nuh uh."
"It's true!" he insisted. "I get scared for you guys, I get scared for myself. The whole reason I even got good at shooting is because I was scared, and I wanted to be able to do something about it. I wanted to be able to make sure that the things I was scared of didn't come true. That's all bravery is, Girly. And you're /plenty/ brave."
"Damn it." Clara bit her lip and forced herself to face the class.
"I guess the, uh, projector's not working," she said with a strained grin. "So I guess I'll just have to... to..."
The knot in her stomach tightened. Oh God, as if she wasn't nervous enough about this presentation. She dug her nails into her palms and tried to focus.
"I can do this," she said, more to herself than her peers.
"Why do you do this?" Lenore asked, trying to seem defiant. Caius blinked, as if he'd never thought of this before.
"My father did," he finally said. "And my grandfather before him. I wasn't really given a choice, I suppose. It was just... assumed. This was -- is -- my path."
"How's the roast looking?"
Meryl batted her son away.
"It'll look a lot better if you stop badgering me," she huffed.
"I'm only trying to help," Sean insisted, which prompted quite a laugh from the older woman.
"You're trying to spoil your dinner. Go watch the girls like you're supposed to be doing."
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