The roof of the world, painted across the midnight sky, painted in little ink drops upon my back... which your fingertips so lovingly caress. Where time stands still and I am, for once, on the roof of my soul, looking down into oblivion.
Can you take me higher? No? I don't think so.... Between my own breath, choking the life from me, and my lack of will to stand in your presence, I do not think that higher is on my already exhausted list of things-to-do-today. No... Higher is a word, much like never, that is written upon my heart.
Both of us together. Never. My heart beats against my chest. Four walls, closing in with the speed of a thousand constrictors… Pushing my breath to its absolute reaches and upper limitations. But.. then again… is that you… Is that you, is that us, pushing our breath in and out. Like the waves pushing in and out, crashing upon its clandestine shore. But you. Me. Both. We shall never be. So, like a single grain of sand, I pluck myself from the warm embrace of our Never place, and carry myself out into the seas... hoping beyond hope that I may one day find another shore.