The promise she made was a lie. It always was and always will be, regardless of what she said or thought that she believed. Her smiles continues, and her sadness was always expressed the same. Yet no matter how many times she attempted to communicate, she never meant to listen. She never meant to change the things needed to maintain her relationship with her daughter. She would never leaver her comfort zone.
"I promise you for a better future. I will promise you that everything will be okay." She whispered into her child's ear.
The mother caressed the back of Adaline's head. Her cooing calmed the child from tears to a coddling slumber. The soft voice whispered comfort for tomorrow's worries, even if they were momentary. For how could a mother ignore the cries of child? The cries caused by those close to her, those meant to be caretakers and guides into the world.
Cherry frowned as her daughter's breathing regulated.