he was forgotten. the book was forgotten. The book was named Forgotten Arrows.
He had a full crew. The crew worked on the new building. The crew was tired out. The crew worked for eight long hours. The crew was happy when the building was done.
She had a acoustic guitar. Her dad owns an acoustic guitar. Her brother owns an acoustic gutiar,aswell. She loves the acoustic gutairs
He had a keychain. she wrote her name on the keychain. she had a red and black keychain. She wore a keychain. the keychain was full of keys.
She bought clothes at the outlet mall. he never made it to the outlet mall,she owns the outlet mall in Puerto Rico.
he ate chocolate.He likes chocolate. the first graders painted with chocolate. he likes a chocolate banana.
he revolted her. he has revolted. he does not revolt. she is revolting. she revolts him.
the fragrance was good. she had a fragrance of blue on her. she had a nice fragerance.
the cat is in the basement. the basement is dark. The basement is cold. the basment has alot of stuff in it. Basements are full usally.
he solved the math problem. he solved the problem. He solved the paper.It was solved. The sound problem was solved.
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