Swatches. I love paint swatches. Color swatches. They make me love my job.
Colors. They breathe life.
Delight my heart.
If I could fill my bucket...
I'd pick up sand, and flowers, and sea shells and rocks.
And candy and photographs.
They all carry beautiful memories.
I want to fill my bucket with love.
It's summer! Time to dive in and enjoy.
There's no reason to be afraid to jump in and enjoy life.
Torch. Scary thing at first glance.
But like any other thing, it depends in the heart of the person who touch it.
Light a dark path. Make camp time fun. Creme brulee.
I love Photoshop patterns.
Print patterns.
Pretty patterns.
Patterns remind me of childhood backyard memories.
Generator. I remember 4 years ago generators were very popular among teenagers, when Friendster was still popular.
When you say generator, aside from electric generators (lol), I remember Dollie Love (bling generator) haha
I got a little afraid when I read 'warned' this big on my screen.
I'm afraid of being warned and not heeding.
The big words came to me like saying "I warned you" and it frightened my heart. lol
I like how creative teens do their websites.
They always have fun ways to bring life even to web buttons when you hover over them.
I like paper clips. And so I love paper clipped (clipped paper).
They keep people behind them and life begins to be miserable.
But sometimes, it's behind bars that some people find life.
God can use both freedom and isolation to bring hearts closer to Him.
In Christ, even bars can become life.
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