Pastels are pretty cool if your'e artsy. but I"m really bad at being artsy. I know a lot of artsy girls who enjoy doing things with pastels, like the colors. Because pastel is a description of things and you can't really do that. That's like saying I use red on everything. I guess that's pretty cool but it doesnt make sense. Actually I like pastels a lot. Pastels are nice but I only own dark colors because I'm a dark soul living in a dark world with dark people and dark things for dark reasons in a dark life.
Patterns are good. I like patterns. Especially doing monotonous things. I love monotonous things. I'm having trouble typing that word. My spellings awful but not as awful as Lisa's. I need to find the pattern for my crochet project. It's super important but I'm awful at crochet. How will I succeed in life now? I must do it. For someone cool. WILL SHE READ THIS? I hope not.
Durations a pretty interesting word. I guess it pertains to the duration of time, or well that's dumb. It pertains to the time passed, and maybe the start and end of a situation. Really it makes me think of Lisa, but everything makes me think of Lisa. I don't know what the duration of our time will end up being together, or if we're really together. I mean what's being together? I don't know, that's not really relevant, the word isn't together, it's duration. And I want a long duration with Lisa.
i fucking hate ryccling i never know what to recycle because recycling sucks i always get confused about paper and what kind of paper to recycle i kind of just throw everything away and i dont know like i think the garbage people hate me for it bbecase i dont recycle properly and i'm pretty sure they're going to fucking kill me one day because i destroyed hte enviroment and i contribute to those turtles who are stuck in the recycling cans i'm a really awful recycler i should take re cycling classes and my words are really fucked up right now and i'm spelling