The side of the house was concrete--stark and cold looking. The people living there must be the same way, only coming out to collect there mail or get in their car. They hardly ever interacted with their neighbors. The old woman living across from them watched from her window, looking for any malfeasance she could report.
I love events. Events events events. I don't really know of any "events" I've attended lately. Well maybe I have, but how do you define something as an event? Or is it just a happening? I don't you?
There isn't much I really want right now actually. I am happy with my life...I really never thought I'd be at this point. All I want is to be healthy, but every thing else I am so satisfied with. Weird, right? It's a good place to be.
When I think of banks, I think of Tyra Banks, host of America's Next top model. How ridiculous! It is. I know. That show...I love it but I hate it. The girls are so immature, especially now that they are the same age as me. They act like middle schoolers!