As I look around the room, I realize we don't have a bookshelf. What would I put on it if we did? What has been sitting on my mental bookshelf? I know my untapped potential is in there somewhere. Probably card catalogued somewhere between my hopes and dreams. Sounds like some of those books are long overdue....
muscles. stamina. willpower. pushing on when you really don't want to. Refraining from saying something even when that person is really asking for it. sopping up that entire mess with one paper towel. I wish I had the same strength as a Bounty paper towel sometimes....
what does success mean? I think it's more than making a pile of money. Although, I wouldn't be one to turn down said pile. Is it becoming that thing you wanted to be when you were a kid? Is it being able to grow tomatoes in a fog-laden environment like San Francisco? Is it making a hollandaise sauce that doesn't break? Is it going for that run when you would rather be sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips??