
Buddha is an odd kind of deity, in modern western culture the obese are seen as a blight on society. SO much so that many people share the fact that theyre trying to lose weight and many fat people are actualy treated as lesser humans for being larger, even if they're happy and healthy. Why then, do we worship the happy little fat man so readily? Some food for thought (but you should probably not eat this it's fattening).
I listened to CHildish Gambinos mixtapes a lot when he first released. Not really sure why but I certainly liked them. I found it weird that they were caled mixtapes when i had just downloaded a bunch of mp3s but I guess phones still use the old school icon for phone whe you want to make a call... Somethings jut stick around I guess.
Academics write a lot of stuff so you'd think they'd be pretty good at this but then again they do a lot of thinking before they write stuff and I'm not really doing that right now I"m just typing so that doesn't really make me an academic does it? Well, maybe if I reference this noone will notice
(Venus, Tobias Ramblings 2016)
Whenever I look at the moon I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Not the kind of satisfaction that means "oh, I'm happy the moon is where it should be, that's nice." No, it's more of a "man, the moon looks sexy tonight. I'd tap the moon if it were a living being. Shit, it's just so. fucking. beautiful. UNF!"
Now isn't that mysterious.
What's the plan attack when you don't have a weapon and your opponent does?
Well you kick him in the balls of course.
What if you're fighting someone without testicles or false ones?
Yeah that's a tough one... Bring a weapon next time mate.
Shano-o was chilling in his stubbies by the pool drink a 'sport when all of a sudden a fuckin big ass angel dropped out of the sky.
"Aw fuck me" cried shan-o.
"No my son" the angel said. "Fuck me! You have been chosen!"
Earl turned around to face Eddy. "Hey bro," Earl said.
"Dear god!" Eddy screamed as he look at Earl in horror.
"What's wrong?" asked Earl.
"Your body!" Eddy said as he pointed towards Earl's upper torso which was pointing the opposite direction from his legs.
"Oh this? Nah I just do some yoga twist in the morning."
When you write a shopping list you often use markers which are reffered to as bullets. Does this mean they also have the capactiy to kill? Perhaps they're bullets in a sense that they kill things you need to do. Like, if we didn't use bullet points maybe we do things less.
This sounds like a study we as a human race need to do. Our productivity as a species could depend on use of bullet points.
Pass the dough bro Joe said to Moe.
But bro, said Moe I aint finished with it though.
Don't make me go fight you for the dough yo.
Joe said to Moe as he grabbed a garden ho.
Moe looked at Joe, "I said no dough."
Then Joe swung the ho. No mo Moe.
I was always interested in science but the draw of using chemicals and gasses to blow things up during class was too big of a draw to pay attention. Perhaps if I paid more attention I'd be blowing things up on a grander scale.
Moral of the story - don't teach science to kids who show a desire to create explosions.
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