I'm 90% sure he is the reason I have a middle finger.
Right now it's 3 am and you're asleep but I'm choking on words I wish I had said to you months ago . Honestly I want to close my eyes so tight they never open again. All I want is to strangle the blood out of your veins and hope you realize how much you fucking hurt me and how I loved you more than anyone ever would. And don't you dare tell me you're worthless. It was you that saved my life, and if that makes you worthless, I guess that says more about me than it does you. I wish I didn't care about people who never gave a damn about me. I gave you my heart because you were more likely to keep it beating than I was. I am drowning in my own mind and you think telling me to breathe makes that any less difficult? What a fool I was to believe that being a teenager would be fun, because honestly the only thing I have gotten out of it is a shit ton of regret. I'm so tired of being sad all the fucking time without a reason. This isn't some love note telling you I'll get through it.. This is me, with my mind full of doubt saying I don't think I'll ever get over you, but I know that this is the last goodbye I will ever write to your sorry ass.