Beware is a daunting word that comes to mind when I know that the consequences of possible choices wouldn't be what I liked..
The truth is today is my golden birthday. That is right folks on this day, I turn 19 on the 19th of March. Let's try not to be jealous now. The truth is a birthday is just another day but it's nice to know you have an excuse for whatever the heck you wanna do today because... today is my birthday.
Cities apart and yet your heart is with me. Miles away and yet your touch lingers on my skin. Though time and distance keep us apart love holds us together forever binding our hearts. Cities apart and yet you are with me holding me forever.
The overt sense in which you approach me shows that you no longer really need me or want me in the long run, you simply need someone to fill the void you have created for yourself at the particular hour. Overt overt overt. I hate it
Nobody ever truly knows where life will take them. There are so many possibilities that it is is impossible for one to know. That is where the dreamer comes in. The dreamer creates whatever terrain he or she wants and will cross whatever terrain comes their way to get to their dreams. You may not know where life will take you but you can certainly learn how to get where you want to go.
It was also the time you kissed me that I knew what love was. It wasn't even the fact that you also told me you loved me. It was the fact that no matter what you were there for me and you supported my dreams along with you. You also always knew when things weren't okay.. but now we're not okay and we both know that things can never be the same... but that also means we both wish they could be.