He embraced me as I feared and struggled to embrace my new life, crying until I just had nothing left. Everything around me was unfamiliar, but comfortable, and sooo...right. A fresh start. A new beginning with my other half. I just couldnt make myself adjust. Now as I sit beside him on a warm summer day I can say I slowly am embracing change and a clean slate; even if right now it still is a one armed awkward embrace, not a full bear hug. But Ill get there, each day is better than the last.
The next word to pop into my head: abuse. She blamed herself when we were growing up, I think she still does. But she did a heck of a job with her life when she finally did get out of that house, and for that I look up to her. No matter how she sees herself, I was raised by one of the strongest, sweetest women in this world.
The next word to generally pop into my head: abuse.
We hear about it on the news, we see its results, and sometimes experience it.
What a shame.